Friday, September 25, 2009

Collation in SQL Server

“SQL Server is not case sensitive” ….. I am sure DBA’s have heard this phrase uttered on many an occasion. The truth is ….that depends!

The case sensitivity among other things is determined in SQL Server by the collation setting. The collation assigned in SQL Server determines the sorting rules, case, and accent sensitivity of the data residing inside a SQL Server database. This property is defined at the server, database, column, and expression level. Each level defaults to the setting of the parent if not explicitly defined.

Specifying the collation setting in SQL Server determines which codepage is utilized to represent non-unicode character data. A codepage is a set of characters that represent different languages and locales. When installing SQL Server, the machine locale setting determines the default collation setting used by the SQL Server being installed. If the locale setting for the machine is set to “English (United States)” the default collation setting is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS which is case insensitive. Not changing this during install results in the server collation setting being case insensitive.

Collation names are comprised using the following naming standard.
SQL_SortRule_pref_CodePage_ {CaseSensitivity_AccentSensitivity | BIN}

SortRule - identifies the language to be used for sorting

CodePage - identifies the code page

CaseSensitivity - either CI or CS for Case Insensitive or Case Sensitive

AccesntSensitivity - either AI or AS for Accent Insensitive or Accent Sensitive

BIN – designates that binary sort order is to be used.

A list of available collations for SQL Server 2008 can be found here.

Collation is not just defined for the SQL Server instance however. One can control collations to a finer degree. The T-SQL command COLLATE will apply the selected collation to a database during the execution of CREATE DATABASE command. The following command will result in a new database with using the “English (United States)” code page with case sensitivity.


COLLATE can also be applied in the column definition of CREATE and ALTER Table. The following example will create a table “MOVIES” with the titles being case insensitive and accent sensitive.

(Mov_ID INT,

Since the TestDB_2 database was created using a case sensitive collation the object names in the database then also become case sensitive. So after creating the table “MOVIES” the following statement will fail.

DROP TABLE dbo.movies;

And Lastly, COLLATE can also be applied to a string expression. This will result in a cast of the result into the specified collation.

So, “SQL Server is not case sensitive”…. Just depends.

Friday, September 18, 2009

SQL.CLR Profession Edition Released!

SQL.CLR Professional Edition and SQL.CLR Professional 2008 Edition have now been released.


Added features:

Supports multiple object generation

Template generator

Included Deployment Script


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Change Data Capture - Part 2

As I mention in my previous post on Change Data Capture in SQL Server 2008, Microsoft provides table valued functions (TVF's) to access changed data. The main TVFs used to query the change data are:


Each of these TVF's require two LSN's or log sequence numbers to identify the beginning and ending of the range of changes to be queried. Two functions are provided to aid in determining the min and max LSN available. They are:

sys.fn_cdc_get_min_lsn and sys.fn_cdc_get_max_lsn

Get All Changes

The first TVF, cdc.fn_cdc_get_all_changes_capture_instance
,will return one row per changed row on the source table. This means that if more than one column is modified in a transaction then one row is returned in the result set for the given data modification.

The TVF accepts the following paramters when utilized.

  • Min LSN

  • Max LSN

  • Row Filter option

The min LSN is obtained using the sys.fn_cdc_get_min_lsn function. Using Employees table from the previous post as an example, the min lsn can be obtained as follows

SELECT sys.fn_cdc_get_min_lsn ('dbo_Employees')AS min_lsn;

The max LSN is obtained using the sys.fn_cdc_get_max_lsn function. This function does not require any inputs and returns the max lsn for the captured data of the source table. To get the max LSN from the Employees table:

SELECT sys.fn_cdc_get_max_lsn()AS max_lsn;

The row filter option has two settings, All and All Update Old. The All option will return all changes made to the source table in one row. The All Update Old option will return one row for an update showing the previous value and one row showing the changed value.

Putting it all together to get the changes:

SELECT @minLSN=sys.fn_cdc_get_min_lsn ('dbo_Employees');
SELECT @maxLSN=sys.fn_cdc_get_max_lsn();
select * from cdc.fn_cdc_get_all_changes_dbo_Employees(@minLSN,@maxLSN,N'All');

Get Net Changes

The second TVF available to work with captured change data is sys.fn_cdc_get_min_lsn. This TVF returns a row that specifies the whole change to a source row if more than one transaction has made modifications to that data. To use this feature the @supports_net_changes parameter must be set to 1 when enabling CDC on a given table.

The input parameters are the same as cdc.fn_cdc_get_all_changes_capture_instance
however the row filter option is slightly different. The options available are All, All With Mask, and All With Merge. All will return all net changes. All With Mask will return the final row plus the operation needed to apply the row. The All With Merge will return the final row with the resturn column _$oprtation being either a 1 ( indicating a delete ) or a 5 ( indicating either an insert or update is needed to apply the change )

Here is an example utilizing the net changes.

SELECT @minLSN=sys.fn_cdc_get_min_lsn ('dbo_Employees');
SELECT @maxLSN=sys.fn_cdc_get_max_lsn();
select * from cdc.fn_cdc_get_net_changes_dbo_Employees(@minLSN,@maxLSN,N'all');

One last item to mention is that Microsoft provides a function that correlate time to LSN's. This is useful if you have a specific time period in which you would like to capture changes made to data. The function is sys.fn_cdc_map_time_to_lsn and can be used to determine lsn boundries based on time to be used in acquiring the change data.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Change Data Capture in SQL Server 2008

Some applications require the ability to understand the full history of how data has been modified over time. A new feature included in SQL Server 2008 is Change Data Capture. Change Data Capture (CDC) allows for the ability to query data that has been modified through INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements on a database table.

The SQL Server 2008 database engine provides the necessary framework to implement Change Data Capture. It is currently available in SQL Server 2008 Enterprise, Developer and Evaluation editions. The CDC process is accomplished through the use of the SQL Server transaction logs. As data modifications are recorded in the database transaction log, the CDC process reads the log files and captures the changes for those tables that have been identified to participate in CDC. It then writes those modifications to the Change Capture Data tables. Each table participating in CDC has a corresponding capture table that follows the naming standard and is owned by the database user cdc to hold the modified data. SQL Server allows for the placement of the table containing the modified data to be placed on a separate filegroup. This is a recommended configuration however the default location for the table will be the default filegroup for the database.

Once a database has been enabled for CDC, two SQL Agent jobs are created to manage the capture process. One job is for the purpose of capturing data on those tables that have been identified for CDC. The other job is created for the purpose of cleaning up the collected change data. Two procedures are provided to view and modify configuration parameters of these jobs. They are named sys.sp_cdc_change_job and sys.sp_cdc_help_jobs. Changes made through these procedures do not go into effect until the job is stopped and restarted.

The following is a simple demo that walks through enabling CDC and querying changes made.

Set Up

Create a test table to execute INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.

[EMP_NAME] [varchar](100) NOT NULL,
[EMP_TITLE] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,

Create database role for the management of the cdc tables.


To utilize CDC, it must be enabled for the database. This is accomplished using the following stored procedure.

EXECUTE sys.sp_cdc_enable_db;

Once CDC has been enabled for the database, the tables you wish to participate in CDC can then be identified through sys.sp_cdc_enable_table.

EXECUTE sys.sp_cdc_enable_table
@source_schema = N'dbo'
, @source_name = N'Employees'
, @role_name = N'ChangeData_Admin';

The cdc agent jobs are created as a result of this procedure

Job 'cdc.TestDB_1_capture' started successfully.
Job 'cdc.TestDB_1_cleanup' started successfully.

Now we are ready to insert data into our table.

INSERT INTO [Test_db1].[dbo].[EMPLOYEES]
('Steve Stark'
,'Associate Developer')

INSERT INTO [Test_db1].[dbo].[EMPLOYEES]
('Mary Doe'
,'Database Administrator')

To see the changes we can query the cdc.dbo_employees_CT table. Microsoft does provide table valued functions to work with captured change data. For the sake of this post, I will directly query the capture table to view the results. For more information on how to use the provided table value functions, go here.

SELECT * FROM cdc.dbo_employees_CT

Here you will see two rows for the previous insert statements.

Now update some data:

SET EMP_TITLE = 'Development Director'

Again query cdc.dbo_employees_CT to observe the changes. Since we performed an update there will be two rows captured. The first is the old value and the second is the new value. Captured delete data will also only contain one row displaying the value prior to the deletion.

Clean Up

EXECUTE sys.sp_cdc_disable_db;

Thursday, August 13, 2009

UPDATE: SQL Encryption Assistant v.

Devenius has just released an update to SQL Encryption Assistant. The latest version is now

This update applies to the following editions:

Standard 2008
Professional 2008

Some of the new features include:

- Expanded EKM functionality
- "Color-Coded" Encryption Status
- Extensible Key Management device support or asymmetric and symmetric keys

To apply the update, please see the post "How do I get the latest version of SQL Encryption Assistant?".

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The DBA vs. Service Broker Assistant Part II

So being the DBA portion of Devenius ( see About ) I figured I would try to test my developer partner's statistics from Part 1 using Server Broker Assistant in implementing the event notification logging example. I did deviate slightly from the plan by creating the tables and stored procedure prior to beginning the time study. My test went as follows.

1) Enable service broker for the test database.
2) Create the queue for notification events.
3) Create the service to manage the queue.
4) Alter the queue to use the previously created stored procedure.

I suppose I could have just as easily skipped step 4 and hooked in the stored procedure upon queue creation. However, I figured I would try to get close to the same process I am attempting to validate.

Test Case A - scripted

Using Management Studio's Query window, I wrote and executed the T-SQL manually. I too had the syntax available to me and wasn't required to perform any lookups on MSDN or BOL. Here is a copy of the sytax:


2. CREATE QUEUE NotifyQueue;

3. CREATE SERVICE NotifyService
ON QUEUE NotifyQueue

4. ALTER QUEUE [dbo].[NotifyQueue]
PROCEDURE_NAME = [dbo].[LogEventsProc] ,

Test Case B - Service Broker Assistant

In this scenario, I used the Service Broker Assistant to perform the same actions in Test Case A.

And the results:

Test Case A = 3 min. 54 sec.
Test Case B = 1 min. 46 sec.

Service Broker Assistant showed quite an improvement in time to execute over the traditional method of manual T-SQL.